India Monsooned Malabar AA

Available packing: 
50 kg
Type of packaging: 
Product availability: 
out of stock
On the way: 


Indian coffee accounts for about 4.5% of the total global volume. Almost 80% of Indian coffee is exported. Almost 30% of all exports settle in Italy. Coffee is grown in three regions of the country: Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Karnataka accounts for 71% of total production (Kodagu alone produces 33% of Indian coffee), followed by Kerala (21%) and Tamil Nadu (5%). Coffee is grown mainly in the southern states in monsoon precipitation conditions, so it is often called "Indian monsoon coffee".

Descriptors: seeds, spices, cocoa, chocolate, tobacco notes

Region: South-western part of India

Processing: natural

Height of growth: 450-900 meters above sea level



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